Work > Premonition
Premonition Press Release
The Lever House Art Collection is pleased to present Premonition, a solo exhibition by Brooklyn-based artist Reginald Sylvester II (b. 1987, North Carolina). The exhibition delves into contemporary themes of identity, youth culture, and references to biblical scriptures in a raw and lively manner. The show’s colorful figurative paintings reveal themselves through the artist’s dreams as well as daily life – in moments of haste or inspiration, and reflect his struggle and torment in unveiling his true self. Sylvester II’s canvas and fence installation brings the rugged environment of downtown Brooklyn to the clear-cut space of Lever House, breaking the mold of the architecture whilst de-contextualizing its identity. The exhibition introduces eight acrylic works on canvas, as well as a series of oil crayon sketches. Built up of innumerable layers of vibrant hues and pigments, the works displayed in this show illuminate the artist’s repertoire of energetic gestures, textural depth and chromatic radiance.